Neighborhood Purpose Grants (2022-2023)

  • Center of Inpowermeant Inc (COINPM)

    Voices Neighborhood Council funded $2,500 to Center of Inpowermeant Inc. (COINPM) for their annual Community Turkey and food giveaway (bread, rice, pasta, cake mix, peanut butter, dishwashing liquid, detergent, green beans, corn, cornbread mix, cake mix, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, baby food, and more) and "Bags of Blessings" which are indiviual bags filled with basic hygiene needs (toothbrush, toothpaste, dedorant, lotion, and etc.)

    COINPM collaborated with Budlong Elementary School and provided families in the neighborhood with groceries who are faced with not having enough food or ability to afford a turkey and other needs during this season. Jacqueline Garay, Prevention Specialist at Koreatown Youth & Community Center (KYCC) providing educational information on the harms of second hand smoke. It was an exceptional day and well received by over 200 families in our community.

    For more information visit:

  • 4th Annual Greater Los Angeles Safety and Preparedness Fair

    We funded $2,000 for this was a city-wide event, 4th Annual Greater Los Angeles Safety and Preparedness Fair, which benefited the constituents of Voices Neighborhood Council. This fair took place on November 13, 2022 at The Green Lot in Exposition Park. The purpose of the fair was to make it as easy as possible for community members of all ages to tap into educational resources and learn about personal and home safety, and about disaster preparedness for incidents such as earthquakes, wildfires, pandemics – singularly or at the same time. The fair included keynote speakers, plus other presentations and hands-on training sessions (including “stop the bleed”, CPR, proper use of a fire extinguisher, and pet first aid), as well as presentations and activities specifically for children. The goal was to encourage community members to prepare for, learn how to survive, and to thrive after a major disaster, even when emergency services are overwhelmed and potentially unable to respond to individual emergencies for days and even weeks afterward.

  • EnrichLA NPG at Dr. James Edward Jones Primary Center

    In December 2022, we awarded a $1,000 NPG for the EnrichLA's Garden Ranger Program at Dr. James Edward Jones Primary Center. Students have spent the school year learning about organic edible gardening directly from their school garden in a number of impactful ways. This includes caring for the garden space; engaging in fun lessons and activities taught by their Garden Ranger; and harvesting, preparing, and enjoying the fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs they helped grow.

    The school garden provides the surrounding community with green space and promotes biodiversity for a balanced and healthy environment for all. Students, staff, and neighbors have shown their enthusiasm for the garden and their eagerness to participate. Our program follows a multidimensional approach to teaching about gardening. These lessons have provided students the opportunity to explore and play, engage with plant and animal life, cooperate and problem solve with their peers, try a variety of nutritious foods, and share harvests with their community.

    Grant funding was used to purchase materials such as art, craft, and stationery supplies; supplemental snack ingredients; food preparation materials; soil amendments; seed packets and seedlings.

  • Dynasty's United Youth Association

    In February 2023, we awarded $5,000 to Dynasty's United Youth Association.  They provided a total of 50 tutoring sponsorships to students who were identifitied as falling behind grade level or were enrolled in Special Education for the 2022- 2023 school year, via online/ in-person. Each student received up to four free 60-minute private tutoring sessions by a professional tutor.

    For more information visit

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