Neighborhood Purpose Grants (2019-2020)

  • Sola Community Peace Camp 2020

    Voices Neighborhood Council awarded Sola Community Peace Center $5,000 for a Peace Camp in Summer of 2020. Covid-19 hit and turned everything upside down however they rose to the challenge of continuing their work online - trying to meet the needs of the families of South LA that they serve! It was a very challenging time and there was much to be figured out. Yet they were able to provide food bags and supply bags to more than 50 families! In effect, they had to create 5o little Peace Camps - one in the home of each camper!

    For more information check out

  • Project PeaceMakers 2020

    Voices Neighborhood Council funded $3,000 to Project Peacemakers to provide provide financial assistant to at least 15 clients within Voices NC boundaries, who enroll and complete either Anger Management or Domestic Violence classes.

    This grant will primarily service a public purpose and benefit the public at-large by assisting clients in helping them become better persons for themselves, family and the community they reside or work. Therefore, the financial assistance need is crucial in helping them restore and rebuild their lives, so that they can be positive and active members of the community as role models to assist others who are suffering from the same type of issues that creates negativity, violence, graffiti and discord in our communities.

    For more information please visit


    In May 2020 we funded $5,000 to KYCC to provide 200, 5 gallon fruit trees that will be distributed amount the Voices NC community.  This project would combine the existing street tree funding with the NPG funding to create a more dense tree canopy.  We coordinated with Voices NC to help identify neighbors who are in high need of tree canopy expansion and density.  We provided outreach to those residents and offered at least 2 trees – one fruit to plant in their year and 1+ (depending on space) street tree.  We attended several community events in the area to provide trees to the community.

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